Jenny's Top 5 Books of 2009

4. Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan - First of all, I love Carrie Ryan as an author. I got an advanced copy of this book and read it in no time. Funny thing is, about 100 pages into the novel I was so crazy with anticipation of what would happen to Mary I emailed Ryan and told her so! She was SO NICE even though I probably sounded like a creepy stalker! But the book itself is so thrilling. It will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page when you finally breathe a sigh of relief and your stress level can return to normal! Look for the next book, The Dead Tossed Waves out in March. (previous review)
3. Fat Cat by Robin Brande - Robin Brande is my new favorite author. She can spin a great story, write believable characters, and supply the reader with plenty of laughs. I particularly liked Fat Cat because it centered around a personal interest of mine (sustainable agriculture, non-processed foods, etc) but also because the main character Cat is an amazing girl who I really could relate to. We've all struggled with our self-image at one point or another , and Cat gives that struggle a truthful voice. Read it, love it, and thank me later... (previous review)
2. The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness - If you haven't started reading this series then stop reading this blog, get out of your chair, and go to your nearest library! You have no time to waste! This is one of the best series I have ever read, hands down. The anticipation you feel, the characters you fall in love with, the sacrifices you cry over are all so real you feel as if you could tumble into the book and join Todd and Viola. Read the first book The Knife of Never Letting Go first. The third book, Monsters of Men comes out in the summertime this year. (previous review of Knife)
1. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - Yeah, I know the Hunger Games series is everyone's favorite new series, but for a's phenomenal! There's adventure, survival, love, loss, struggle, angst, fight, courage, fear, sacrifice and growing up. I don't think I could do Hunger Games or Catching Fire any justice here. You just need to read it for yourself and fall in love with Katniss, Peeta, Hamish, Gale, and all the other wonderful characters. The final book comes out in August 2010. (previous review)
And now for Jenny's Top 5 Books to
Look Forward to in 2010 (w/links to Amazon descriptions):
Look Forward to in 2010 (w/links to Amazon descriptions):
![]() Incarceron by Catherine Fisher | ![]() Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta | Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan |
Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness | Hunger Games 3 by Suzanne Collins |
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