Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Teen Review by Lauren B. . . .Halo Alexandra Adornetto

Bethany, a young angel, is on her first assignment with her siblings Gabriel and Ivy to bring good to a little town called Venus Cove. Sounds simple, right? Until she meets Xavier, and realizes that her human emotions are a bit deeper and more directed than her siblings'. After all, angels love humanity, not individuals. But Bethany is different. Can she keep her wings hidden and her focus on her mission?

Relationships aside, Bethany is adjusting well to life on earth. But just as she's getting settled, things get interesting. Jake Thorn transfers to the Bryce Hamilton School, and suddenly a student is involved in a car crash and a cook is burned by spilled fryer grease. Even worse, a girl soon commits suicide, and no one knows why. But worse than all this, Jake Thorn has his sights set on Bethany. It's a race against the clock to stop the Dark Forces, and the biggest question is: is Bethany strong enough to fight them? Does love conquer all?

Books about angels are big right now. Can't get enough? Try one of these:

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