Friday, August 20, 2010

Teen Review by Delrina. . .North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

Seventeen year old Terra Cooper has been trying to live a life between her demanding father and a port wine stain that she has been hiding. Don't forget her broken up family: a brother across the ocean in the place their father won't even speak of, a brother that won't even call, and a mother that eats to comfort herself. Terra constantly lives in fear but doesn't know what's worse, her father or somebody finding out the truth about her.

Enter Jacob, a supposedly gothic guy that was adopted in China due to a cleft palate. He sees her more clearly than herself right from the second they meet. He teaches her to see for herself the wonders of the world and herself. And finds a few geocahes along the way.

I loved this book. It starts out bitter but then turns sweet. An awesome story about self discovery. I've read this book three times and have not tired from it.

Thanks to new reviewer, Delrina! There are a lot of North of Beautiful fans out there, so if you can't find the book on our shelves, try one of these:

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