Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Teen Review by Abdullah. . .Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Found is a really good book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It was so suspenseful, I had to force myself to stop and couldn't wait for the next chance to read it.

Think about an orphan who's past is unknown, but is happy with his new life - that orphan's name is Jonas. One day, while Jonas and his friend Chip (who doesn't think he was adopted) are playing basketball, they both get a letter in the mail saying "You are the Missing". That letter was the beginning of a mystery for Jonas. Little did he know he was in the battle of the past and future.

In a world where the bad guys seem like good guys and the good seem bad, Margaret Peterson Haddix winds another suspenseful series for all ages.

Yay! Another reviewer who loved Found! Thanks, Abdullah. Check out these other titles (including the sequel to Found):

Sent (The Missing, book 2) by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Grim Tuesday (Keys to the Kingdom, book 2)
by Garth Nix

Merchant of Death (Pendragon book 1)
by D.J. MacHale

1 comment:

Jenny!!! said...

Oh man I totally love this book! Great review :)