Thursday, August 7, 2008

Breaking Dawn's Release! Twilight Trivia Challenge Photos!

Breaking Dawn is finally here!!!! Okay, okay. I'm a few days late on that announcement, but that's because I spent the weekend devouring all 754 pages. I'm not the only one. It seems that a couple of library staffers were actually racing each other to finish, calling each other off and on, taunting each other with, "Oh, yeah? Well I'm on this page now!"

On Monday I went to to read reviews of the book, and there were already 820 reviews!! No telling how many there are now. Personally, I really enjoyed the book. But that's not important. What is important is what all of you thought about the book. I want to know! Please leave your comments here on the blog. I want to know if you loved it, hated it, or really aren't sure what to think about it.

For those who didn't make it to Woodland West's Twilight Trivia Challenge, we had a lot of fun and answered tons if questions from the first three books. I worked with handed bits of tape to helped Nicole (Woodland West's "full of awesome" Clerk II) transform our meeting room into a place I think any Twilight fan would enjoy. It was black and red and a wee bit sparkly (not sparkly enough for my tastes, though). Team Edward won by just a few points (sad face for all the Jacob devotees) and some cool prizes were given out, including vampire teeth, invitations to Bella and Edward's wedding, and even a handmade bracelet! (Made by Nicole!)

Here are a few photos from the event:

From left to right: Our most fantabulous wall of sparkly stuff!
Twilighters debating some serious trivia. Egads! Team Edward wins by just 3 points!
The world's most awesome of awesome Twilighters!

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