Use your subject as the title; start each line with the letters of the subject
Curious by nature
Adventurous to a fault
Tail swishes, frenzied
Free Verse
No rhymes; No structures; But still has an internal rhythm
Picking the rose
was not as I expected.
The thorns sliced my palm,
but love numbed the pain.
From Japan; Usually deals with nature; Describes a moment in time; No rhymes;
5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables
Crafty is the fox
As she protects her young kits
From the hunters’ guns.
Like a Haiku, only with two extra lines of syllables. So the pattern is 5 – 7 – 5 – 7 – 7.
The fire dances
Embers flicker in the night
Radiating warmth
Until, slowly, the flames die
Leaving only white ashes
5-line poem with rhyme scheme a-a-b-b-a; Humorous tone; Many often begin with: There once was a man/women named…
There once was a woman named Bea
Who always had scones with her tea
But when her chef got the flu
Oh, what could she do?!
“I can't cook a whit!“ said Bea.
4-line poem with rhyme scheme a-a-b-b, a-a-a-a, or a-b-c-d; This is one of the most common forms of poetry
My one true love has sailed to sea
His fortune soon to make
And if he never comes home to me
My poor heart, it will break.
Title (One Noun)
Description of the title (Two adjectives)
An action about the title (Three Verbs)
A feeling about the title (Four word phrase)
Another word for the title (One-word synonym)
Fierce, Unforgiving
Roiling, Rumbling, Raging
Mother Nature’s purifying wrath
Line 1: one noun
Line 2: two adjectives – describe line 1
Line 3: three verbs describe line 1
Line 4: four adjectives - the 1st two describe line 1; the other two describe line 7
Line5: three verbs describe line 7
Line6: two adjectives describe line 7
Line7: one noun - a noun that is the opposite of line 1
Nefarious, Vile
Plotting, Scheming, Lying
Dark, Sinister, Noble, Trustworthy
Leading, Rescuing, Struggling
Brave, Courageous
Concrete poetry makes designs out of letters and words. Even though the visual pattern (shape) can really catch our eye, it is still the language itself that truly makes the poem poetic.

If you click on each of the poems, it will take you to the web site where I found each of the examples. For more concrete poetry, take a look at the book A Poke in the I by Paul Janeczko.
First Name
Three adjectives about you
Sibling/Child/Grandchild of…
Lover of...
Who Feels...
Who Needs...
Who Gives...
Who’s Inspired by...
Who Fears...
Who would like to see...
Last Name
Fun-Loving – Quirky – Bookworm
Daughter of James & Leah
Lover of Museums, Fantasy and Anime
Who feels Joy, Wonder and Hope
Who needs Affection, Chocolate and Coffee
Who gives Friendship, Laughter and Smiles
Who’s inspired by Kindness, Music and Art
Who fears Stinging insects, dark alleys, and global warming
Who would like to see Machu Picchu, the Tower of London, and the Forbidden City
There are also a variety of ways to expand upon this poem. What other things might you add to tell people about yourself? Perhaps you’re an avid reader? One of your lines could say “Who reads…” Or maybe you like to hike – you could say "Who enjoys hiking...". Or if you like a lot of different things you could simply say, “Who enjoys…” Another good way to jazz up this kind of poem is to draw doodles that represent various aspects from it. These kinds of poems are also especially fun to make for others and give as gifts.
Happy Creating!
P.S. If you can think of other poetry types I haven't mentioned, please feel free to add them via the "Comments" section below. Thanks! :)
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